2014-12-08 11:40:08 来源: 作者:

在报告的开始部分,有这样一段话“The Securities and Exchange Commission today warned investors about the potential risks of investing in binary options and has charged a Cyprus-based company with selling them illegally to U.S. investors.”,这里用到了“潜在投资风险”的字样,是的,非常严谨的措词。众所周知,在金融市场以及其他领域的投资活动中,风险都是不可避免存在的,理论上是不存在所谓稳赢的投资的,我们回到金融市场中来看,在任何投资品种中收益与风险总是如兄弟一般同时存在,通常在每一份投资报告和金融报道中,你总是会见到这种善意并且措词严谨的提醒,非常感谢。在这段文字的后半部分,提出了对一家注册于塞浦路斯的二元期权公司的指控,问题在于它非法向美国投资者提供期权产品,对于这样的控告,我们一定要重视和关注。在报告的其他部分,很幸运的我找到了更多详细的东西。根据美国证券法的要求,未在SEC注册的公司是不可以直接向美国投资者提供和出售证券的,二元期权在2008年已经被美国证券交易所和芝加哥期权交易所作为金融交易品种,很显然依据法律,这家公司应当首先获得美国证券交易委员会的注册批准才可以在美国开展它的业务。
首先,对二元期权作一个简单的介绍,二元期权最早是在期货交易所内交易,用于风险对冲,它的原理和特点也决定了二元期权具有很好的风险对冲作用,适合在对股票、外汇、期货等投资时,购买相应的二元期权,利用期权补充我们的投资组合,降低总体风险并增加盈利机会。最初,普通投资者无法直接购买二元期权,只能通过雇佣经纪商来实现,并且需要支付一定的前端交易费用,繁琐和缓慢的操作流程远远无法满足投资者们对其投资产品实现风险对冲的需求。直到2008年Options Clearing Corporation(OCC)才开始通过OTC市场向普通投资者提供二元期权,随后American Stock Exchange(AMEX)和Chicago Board Options Exchange(CBOE)也将二元期权作为了交易品种,很快二元期权发展至在线交易方式,迅速和高效的交易模式给普通投资者提供了更多的选择和很好的投资补充,由此在全球金融市场中开始了飞速的发展。
让我们回到SEC的这份报告中,SEC和CFTC联合发出了投资警报,原文是这样的“The SEC and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)today issued a joint Investor Alertto warn investors about fraudulent promotional schemes involving binary options and binary options trading platforms. Much of the binary options market operates through Internet-based trading platforms that are not necessarily complying with applicable U.S. regulatory requirements and may be engaging in illegal activity.”从这里,作为普通投资者,我们应当谨记这样的提醒,二元期权作为一个金融交易工具,本身并不具有误导性,而我们应该警惕的是那些使用带有欺诈性宣传的交易平台或经纪商,这种情况在其他所有金融交易品种市场上同样存在。对此,监管部门不断完善和严格监管,而普通投资者则需要时刻提醒自己:任何投资都是有风险的,并且最终的投资决定是由自己做出的。
2013-103 Washington, D.C., June 6, 2013— The Securities and Exchange Commission today warned investors about the potential risks of investing in binary options and has charged a Cyprus-based company with selling them illegally to U.S. investors.
Binary options are securities in the form of options contracts whose payout depends on whether the underlying asset - for instance a company's stock - increases or decreases in value. In such an all-or nothing payout structure, investors betting on a stock price increase face two possible outcomes when the contract expires: they either receive a pre-determined amount of money if the value of the asset increased over the fixed period, or no money at all if it decreased.
The SEC alleges that Banc de Binary Ltd. has been offering and selling binary options to investors across the U.S. without first registering the securities as required under the federal securities laws. The company has broadly solicited U.S customers by advertising through YouTube videos, spam e-mails, and other Internet-based advertising. Banc de Binary representatives have communicated with investors directly by phone, e-mail, and instant messenger chats. Banc de Binary also has been acting as a broker when offering and selling these securities, but failed to register with the SEC as a broker as required under U.S. law.
The SEC and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)today issued a joint Investor Alertto warn investors about fraudulent promotional schemes involving binary options and binary options trading platforms. Much of the binary options market operates through Internet-based trading platforms that are not necessarily complying with applicable U.S. regulatory requirements and may be engaging in illegal activity.
"Just because foreign companies can more easily communicate with American investors doesn't mean they should skirt our longstanding laws that protect investors by requiring registration of securities," said Andrew J. Ceresney, Co-Director of the SEC's Division of Enforcement. "Banc de Binary contacted U.S. investors through the Internet and YouTube but completely disregarded the U.S. securities laws' registration requirements. We will aggressively combat such conduct no matter where it originates."
According to the SEC's complaint against Banc de Binary filed in federal court in Nevada, the company began offering and selling binary options to U.S. investors in 2010. Banc de Binary induced investors to create accounts with the company, deposit money into those accounts, and then purchase binary options whose underlying assets include stock and stock indices. Banc de Binary's solicitation of U.S. investors has been quite successful and attracted some customers with very modest means. For example, one investor had a monthly income of $300 and a net worth of less than $25,000, and another customer was encouraged to deposit additional funds into his Banc de Binary trading account even after he informed the Banc de Binary representative that he was unemployed with less than $1,000 in his checking account.
The SEC's complaint seeks disgorgement plus prejudgment interest, financial penalties, and preliminary and permanent injunctions against Banc de Binary among other relief. The CFTC today announced a parallel action against Banc de Binary. The SEC's investigation was conducted by Leslie A. Hakala and C. Dabney O'Riordan of the Los Angeles Regional Office. The SEC's litigation will be led by John W. Berry and Ms. Hakala. The SEC appreciates the assistance of the CFTC in this matter.
The Investor Alert on binary options was jointly issued by the SEC's Office of Investor Education and Advocacy and the CFTC's Office of Consumer Outreach. The bulletin discusses in detail the potential risks of investing in binary options, and warns investors that they may not have the full safeguards of the federal securities and commodities laws if they purchase unregistered binary options that are not subject to the oversight of U.S. regulators.
"Investors should be aware of the potential for fraud in this area as well as of the reality that they can lose their entire investment," said Lori Schock, Director of the SEC's Office of Investor Education and Advocacy. "We strongly encourage investors to check the background of brokers and advisers and trading platforms before making a decision to invest. If investors can't obtain simple background information such as whether the financial professional is registered with the SEC or FINRA, then they should be extremely wary."